K-9 Pre-mix homeopathic StemCell fluid vial for dogs
This all around 'wellness' tonic offers a full amino acid profile,
accompanied by vital trace minerals, vitamins and other important key factors,
like enzymes and transfer factors.
Stabilized in a pre-biotic foundation, Micronutrient offers gut
support by furnishing the hind gut with friendly flora and by balancing the pH
level in the intestines. Natural anti-inflammatory agents in a homeopathic
compound offer pain-management and reduce stress and heat within the structural
system. Other key factors found in the broad spectrum amino acid profile offer
the foundation and building blocks for a healthier and sound structural system.
Micronutrient is the perfect addition to the horse's/dog's daily
diet and is extremely important as an 'add on' product during rehab.
Micronutrient is organic, GMO free and without any fillers or additives. |

Statements on the package have not been evaluated by the FDA or Health Canada.
This Product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. |