StemPhase News
14th, 2013 –Swanton, Vermont
In response to the recent posting about
the “ Pigeon Fever “ outbreak; The disease, “ Ulcerative
Lymphagitis “ is spreading across the United States and into
This bacterial infection is also known as
Dry Land Distemper, Dry Land Strangles and /or Pigeon Fever.
Originally common in only the southwestern
part of the United States, it is now being seen in
colder and wetter regions. It's possible that there has been
a mutation with the bacteria DNA that allows it now to live
in a wider range of climate.
This disease can cause prolonged
debilitating symptoms of multiple abscess formation. In
about 10% of cases, death can occur due to internal abscess
formation. Death follows extreme toxicity, internal
hemorrhage and/or organ failure.
Because my practice area includes Inland San
Diego County, California, I encounter this disease quite
often. In the 25 years of my practice life I have seen and
been asked to treat well over 1,000 + cases. During this
time I have learned some important characteristics of the
bacteria and nature of the infection in horses. In the lab,
culture and sensitivity results often show that the bacteria
corynebacterium pseudo tuberculosis is sensitive to common
antibiotics such as penicillin and trimethaprim sulfa. In
the horse, however, due to the encapsulated nature of the
infection normal antibiotics are usually ineffective and
potentially dangerous.
During the years I have found a treatment
protocol that has proved effective. In all horses, except
pregnant mares, horses with lower hind limb infections,
intravenous sodium iodine treatments are safe and effective.
Given at the first sign of infection, 250 ml
of 200 mg/ml sodium iodine is given intravenously via a
catheter once a week for three treatments. The sodium iodine
not only kills the bacteria but also stimulates T-cell
In pregnant mares, horses with hind leg
infections or internal abscess, colloidal silver/DMSO
intravenously has proved safe and effective. 40ml of
colloidal silver and 40 ml DMSO mixed in one liter of saline
and given via a catheter intravenously.
This is given every day for 5-7 days. It is
believed that DMSO helps penetrate the capsules that harbor
the bacteria. The colloidal silver has very powerful
antibiotic properties. It is also safe for the developing
In addition, in my experience the use of a
product called Transfer StemPF formulated for pigeon
fever it is also very helpful in conjunction with these two
treatments. This transfer factor can be obtained from a
company by the name of StemPhase Biomedical Ltd. from
Swanton Vermont at
Transfer StemPF Product page,
This disease can be very frustrating for the
veterinarian as well as the horse owner. Without the proper
treatment the disease can have a very prolonged recovery
period. It is not uncommon for some convalescing periods to
last for months. With the proper treatment protocols, in my
experience the convalescing period can be shortened
considerably and the eventual outcome much more successful.
Jon S. Matthews, D.V.M.
Matthews Equine Services, Inc.
Ramona, California/760-789-1123
About StemPhase™ Biomedical Ltd.
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About Matthews Equine Services Ltd.
For Information on Dr. Jon S. Matthews DMV: go to:
