StemPhase Biomedical Subcutaneous Injection
Caution: This Injectible Is Sold Only To And
Administered By a Licensed Veterinarian
Equine Original StemCell
Fluid injection is a
liquid obtained from animal tissue at a site that
was treated in a manner to induce natural stem cells
of the animal to concentrate at the site. Equine
Original StemCell Fluid is
the fluid associated with these stem cells and
contain proteins and other factors released by stem
Dosage and Administration:
The recommended dose of
Equine Original StemCell Fluid for horses is 5 cc with follow up treatment
if and when necessary. The injection site should be
aseptically cleaned prior to injection. All doses
are administered subcutaneous with a 20 ga. needle.
Do not dilute or mix Equine Original StemCell Fluid with other drugs or
solvents. There have been no cases of equine
hypersensitivity, however Dexamethasone and/or
Diphenhydramine HCL may be administered at your
discretion if needed.
Equine Original StemCell
Fluid is supplied as
a kit in a sterile freeze dried form, red to light
brown in color, with another similar vial of water
for injection. Allow both vials to come to room
temperature before aseptically reconstituting 5cc of
Equine Original StemCell Fluid injection dose with 5cc of WFI. Allow
reconstituted Equine Original StemCell Fluid to resolve for 15 minutes
until the content completely dissolves. The
reconstituted Equine Original StemCell Fluid is normally reddish-brown in
color and may even be slightly cloudy.
Side effects:
On occasion there may
be discomfort or edema at the injection site,
lethargy and/or hypersensitivity reactions
presenting as light swelling or pruritis which upon
treatment with Diphenhydramine HCL resolved within
1-2 days. Less then 2% of injections have resulted
in inflammatory cellulitis at the injection site. No
other side effects have been reported.
Use with caution in
geriatric animals with significant comorbibities and
patients that may have cancer.
For use in horses only,
not for use in humans or food animals
Equine Original StemCell
Fluid injection
should be kept in refrigeration for long term
storage where it will remain stable (not mixed with
water) for up to 2 years.
Instructions for Subcutaneous Injection
You will receive two vials for the injection.
Using a new sterile needle and syringe.
Gently mix WFI vial (water) with PHASE 3 vial (dried stem cell
fluid powder) for about 5 minute until fully dissolved.
We suggest to use the WFI (water) solution at room temperature
before injection.
Note: SWIRL only and DO NOT SHAKE, make sure it is mixed well,
if you shake the bubbles will take a lot longer to dissipate
You want to wait till the bubbles go down before pulling up in
the syringe (10 to 15 min if necessary)
Use new needle and pull all up into a new 10 cc syringe.
Before injecting horse use a fresh new needle, it is important
to be as sterile as possible
Horse Preparation
Shot is given subcutaneously (under the skin) where the neck
meets the shoulder and right in front (see picture)
(toward the head) of the shoulder blade.
Clip if needed. If hair is long, wash where neck connects to
shoulder with iodine shampoo,.
Once clean, Use Benadine soaked gauze and scrub area for 5 min,
like for a hock injection.
Then wipe with 91% alcohol on cotton swab.
If wipe is clean then proceed to inject.
Inject subcutaneously (under the skin). Be sure you are totally
under the skin.
Wash the iodine off area of injection
What to do after the injection
Horse should be rested (can have turn-out) for two days after
injection and then go back to regular daily schedule of
We suggest the horse NOT be given any other injections of any kind
on the day of this injection.
Do NOT oral 'past worm' the horse on
the same day.
required or recommended, a booster shot of
Equine Original StemCell Fluid may be given to the horse after 6 (six) weeks
post initial injection, to promote further healing and
wellness or as follow up to previous treatment.
required or recommended , a booster shot of
Equine Original StemCell Fluid may also be given as a prophylactic wellness
treatment 4 - 6 weeks prior to competition to help aid
and promote a balanced healthy horse.